| Rent the cottage ID-S0404 | | Nearest town: Muurame |  (5 km.) | | The nearest body of water(lake): Pajanne |  (1 m.) | | The nearest border crossing point: Nuijamaa (240 km.) | | SPA: Peurunka (45 km.) | | ski slope: Riihivuori (0.1 km.) | | Jyvaskyla- 20 km. | , | Tampere- 130 km. | Description of a cottage: | | size: 91 | | Sleeps: |  main-10  | more-0  | | WC-2 | , | bedrooms-3 | , | number of floors-2 | | kitchen, | living room, | loft | The fittings of the cottage: | | electricity | , | fireplace | , | firewood |
| Internet | , | vacuum cleaner | , | air conditioning |
| iron | , | hairdryer | , | washing machine | Additional equipment for rent: |
| equipment for winter fishing | |
| |