| Rent the cottage ID-S0405 | | Nearest town: Muurame |  (6 km.) | | The nearest body of water(lake): Pajanne |  (1 m.) | | The nearest border crossing point: Nuijamaa (240 km.) | | SPA: Peurunka (45 km.) | | ski slope: Riihivuori (0.6 km.) | | cross-country skiing (km.) 0.1 km. | | trees: | coniferous, | deciduous, | Description of a cottage: | | size: 54 | | Sleeps: |  main-6  | more-2  | | bedrooms-2 | , | number of floors-1 | , | shower-1 | The fittings of the cottage: | | TV | , | fireplace | , | drying cabinet | | single bed-2 | , | double bunk bed-2 | | microwave | , | 2 burners stove | |
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